Services for Schools
Classroom Presentations Prevention Staff are available to present to students in a classroom setting, using an interactive and hands-on approach. Available topics include:
Freshmen Empowerment Day This daylong event features workshops for freshman on alcohol, marijuana, dating violence, prescription drug abuse, depression & suicide, texting and driving and self-esteem. 6th Grade Days High school and middle school students teach workshops for 6th graders focusing on peer pressure, self-esteem and tobacco. Hands-On Museum JTI student leaders teach elementary school students about the dangers of substance abuse and why it’s important to make drug-free choices. Additionally, programming includes activities during Red Ribbon Week and OPTIONS for 7th graders. |
Services for Youth
Youth-Led Prevention Choices for Life Prime for Life is an evidence based risk reduction program for students who have violated their school’s substance abuse policy in their student code of conduct or athletic code. During the course, students will not only learn the risks associated with alcohol and drug use, but will learn how to reduce their risk for experiencing problems related to alcohol and drug use. Choices for Life classes consist of two two-hour sessions taught after school hours and are available as needed. Cost is $30 per participant, and can be paid through our website here: Choices For Life Class Online Payment. |